Nelly McArthur is a recurring character from the animated television series Red And Friends. She is voiced by series creator Nolan Splavec and first appeared in the season 1 episode, "Partial Terms of Endearment".
She is a 10-year-old girl and very aggressive to her classmates. she played supporting roles in several episodes. In the season 24 episode Vegan Teacher Rises. Nelly received a call from That Vegan Teacher herself.
While originally voicing Nelly without any computer manipulation, Splavec now speaks within his normal vocal range while adding a childlike inflection. The recorded audio is then edited with Pro Tools, and the pitch is altered to make the voice sound more like that of a fourth grader.
In the film, Red And Friends: After COVID. Nelly became a seductive woman living with her future husband Matthew in Denver. She is shown to wear a yellow sweater, a light blue shirt, a dark green skirt, a brown boots and long brown hair.
Nelly is shown to be an aggressive, mean, foul-mouthed, sexist, and violent person who hates everyone equally. She is also incredibly competitive and has a strong sense of justice and fair play, but is not above bullying or harassing those who do not fit the bill of what she considers to be "fair" or just. Nelly is shown to hate boys, calling them "creepy dicks", especially when they try to flirt with her. However, she seems to have some form of attraction towards the male gender as evidenced by her kissing a boy named Sebastian on the cheek. Nelly is shown to be a bully and can't stand it when people act out of line, even if its because they were taught wrong. She doesn't seem to care about anyone else's feelings except her own. Her behavior is often seen to be abusive, hateful, and unlikable, but she does show moments where she shows remorse for her actions. Nelly is shown to be a Karma Houdini, as she always gets away with everything she did. She rarely apologizes for anything she does, but she has shown remorse and regret. Nelly never gets punished for her actions due to being a child, but she does get punishment for things like bad grades, getting detention for fighting, etc.