Shauna Krawly is one of the four main characters on the animated television series Red And Friends. She is voiced by series creator Nolan Splavec and one of the series' four main characters along with Red McArthur, Millie Larsen, and Aubrey Iverson.
Shauna is an elementary school student who lives with her single mother, Olivia in the Colorado town of South Park. She wears a purple dress, a dark blue skirt, black shoes, and she has brown hair. Shauna is principally characterized by her amorality and her bigoted and especially antisemitic disposition. In later seasons, Shauna exhibits increasingly psychopathic and manipulative behavior. She is also highly intelligent, able to execute numerous successful schemes, though they mainly end up in failure and humiliation either due to opposition from other characters. In earlier seasons, Shauna was shown to be nice, kind, seductive, caring, and friendly, but in modern seasons, she is shown to be mean, cruel, racist, angry, abusive, manipulative, spiteful, and even psychotic.
Shauna is shown to be the most hated and popular character on the show, as well as the most polarizing. Shauna is normally depicted as obese. In some episodes, however, she appears thin. Shauna is shown to be hated many times by many different characters. However, she is not always seen being hated. Shauna always makes fun of Jews, Disabled people, Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Muslims, Gays, Homosexuals, Liberals, and many more groups of people. Shauna is also shown to be mean spirited. Shauna is shown to be a Karma Houdini, she has not been punished for her actions (such as making fun of disabled people and killing Jews).
Shauna is shown to be a bisexual shown in season 15, which makes her a hypocrite. When she made fun of gay people, she claims she didn't like them, because they are stupid and retarded, but when she claimed she was bi-sexual, she said they were "hot" and "sexy." Shauna is shown to be extremely manipulative, as seen in "Fantastic Easter Special", Shauna manipulated Red and Millie to go to her party, which there wasn't a party, Shauna traps Red and Millie in her closet.
The writers of Red And Friends have commented on Shauna's character several times. Series co-creator Nolan Splavec has stated that he created the character out of a desire to create a female villain. He wanted to make an anti-heroine. Splavec described Shauna as "a little bit of a sociopath, but not a full blown one. Shauna was originally gonna be named Sarah, but they changed it to Shauna so they could keep the same number of syllables.
Red And Friends has received both praise and criticism for Shauna's politically incorrect behavior. The character of Shauna Krawly has been criticized for being morally reprehensible. A common theme of her character is her amoral nature, which is often displayed through her abusive treatment of others. Shauna was originally gonna be a "good girl" character, but then they decided to make her a "bad girl. Series creator and Shauna's voice actor Nolan Splavec, says that Shauna is his favorite character. He has said, "I'm proud of how Shauna turned out... She's the best thing we've ever done on the show... But she doesn't have any redeeming qualities.
Shauna is often considered to be the most hated character on the show by both fans and critics alike. Many fans of the show hate Shauna for her bigotry and antisemitism, as well as her general disrespect of those who are different from her. When someone insults her, she gets upset and then she starts to cry like a little baby, her mother said that she's a good girl, in reality, she is a horrible person and deserves nothing but hatred.
Shauna attends South Park Elementary as part of Mr. Garrison's class. During the first 58 episodes, she and her classmates were in the third grade, before transitioning to the fourth grade during the fourth season. She is the only child of Olivia Krawly.
Shauna is distinguished from most of the other children by a wider phsyical design, and is subject to ridicule from others for her obesity. Her is most commonly portrayed as an antagonist, with most of her actions driving the events of many episodes. Shauna is alienated by the majority of the other children for her strong amorality, but they are occasionally influence.