Lola McArthur (Voiced by Nolan Splavec) was the main antagonist on the adult animated sitcom Red And Friends. She was a 10-year old serial killer and cannibal who lived in the town of South Park, Colorado. She was more known as the archenemy of Millie Larsen. Lola was more characterized for killing 29 kids and many unknown adults. Lola also likes to kill anybody and eat them too. She always gets away with it because nobody believes her.
Lola was known as the most hated villain child ever seen on TV until she was killed off in season 23. Lola was a evil, homicidal, violent, bossy, angry, dangerous, lying, heartless, sadistic, cruel, nasty, scary, hateful, vengeful, mean, ruthless, conniving, manipulative, maniacal, and psychotic killer. She was a serial killer and cannibal who liked to murder people and eat them. Lola's favorite foods are brains, human meat, and hot dogs. Her other hobbies include pulling pranks on her friends, getting revenge for being bullied, killing children, stealing candy from babies and various other stuff. Lola hates going to school which is why she kills people that get in her way. Lola has an evil laugh.
Lola was a ten year old brown haired girl, who weared a light green sweater, blue pants, a blue headband, and black shoes. Lola was a selfish, cruel, and vindictive little girl. She was often portrayed as a spoiled brat. Lola was very much feared among the citizens of South Park, and was known for causing trouble. Despite this, nobody seems to believe her when she claims that she has been "victimized". Lola was a bully who tells people what to do and how to think. She was a psychopathic killer who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She was shown to be capable of following through with her threats and killing without hesitation or remorse.