Esther Stoley is a female 4th grader on the adult animated television series Red And Friends. She is voiced by co-creator Nolan Splavec and first appeared in the season 1 episode "Red's Boobs Destory Society". She is the girlfriend of Stewart McArthur and the sister of Kevin Stoley.
She is a 10-year old girl with black hair, light blue jacket, pink pants and black shoes. She is shown to be a eavesdropper and can't stop herself from talking. Esther has a habit of saying whatever she thinks about and often says things out loud that others do not want her to know. Her hobbies include eating and sleeping. She likes to read as well. Esther is shown to be a arrogant, nice, funny, dumb, bossy, rude, dramatic, serious, honest, good-looking, kind, innocent, social, smart, sarcastic, naive, silly, kind-hearted, strict, smartass, mature, lazy girl. Like her friends, Esther is foul-mouthed and enjoys swearing profusely for no reason.
Her most popular catchphrases are: "Oh my god", "What the hell", "Whoa!", "Holy f*ck!" "This b*tch", and "Jesus Christ". Esther is shown to be a feminist and wants equality between genders. She also shows to have a strong sense of justice. She believes that if someone does something bad then they should get punished and doesn't like it when people take advantage of others. Esther speaks in a strong southern accent.
Esther is described as being very pretty in her own words but other characters don't think so. She is considered to be very attractive by her boyfriend Stewart McArthur. Esther loves to read, sing, eat and sleep. She also has a strong sense of justice and will defend others whenever she thinks someone is in trouble. Because of this, Esther was arrested multiple times for helping people. She always helped people without thinking twice about what could happen to her and didn't care who she helps. Esther loves to show off her body by wearing bikinis, skirts, bathing suits and showing her body parts to anyone around.
Although Esther is a small girl, she is very strong and can lift heavy objects.