Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way
Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way (alternatively known as Ebony Dark'ness Dementia TARA Way, Enoby, TaEbory and Tara) is the main character of the infamous fanfiction My Immortal. She has long ebony black hair (that's how she got her name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches her mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell her she looks like Amy Lee (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!). She's not related to Gerard Way but she wishes she was because he's a major f-cking hottie. She's a vampire but her teeth are straight and white. She has pale white skin. She's also a witch, and she ...read more