In fiction, a character's name is often tied to their personality. And, let's face it, it's hard to sound dark and edgy with a cheery name like "Stacey Merryweather", or even an ordinary one like "Amy Jones". Goths and other shadowy characters in fiction tend to have dark-tinted Awesome McCool Names. Usually, they have these names from birth, although, a goth with an inappropriately cheerful name may change their name, or insist on people calling them by a nickname. Many goths also tend to have an exotic middle name or three.
Fan Casting
Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way
Pitch Black
Morticia Addams
Spectra Vondergeist
King Sombra
Raven (Rachel Roth)
Nancy Downs
Cruella De Vil
Abis Mal
Evelyn Deavor
Uncle Fester
Damien Bloodmarch
Raven (Teen Titans)
Shadow the Hedgehog
Nocturna (DC)
Isadora Quagmire
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