A sadist is someone who enjoys the suffering of others. While a sadist who has a good sense of morality and empathy will stick to playing a Cruel Player-Character God or doing some Casual Kink in a Safe, Sane, and Consensual way, sadism becomes outright Nightmare Fuel when combined with sociopathy. This is the kind of character that takes pleasure in inflicting Cold-Blooded Torture and psychological abuse. Whether it's physical or psychological, a sadist will take pleasure in making or seeing others suffer.
Fan Casting
Angela (Stranger Things)
Dolores Umbridge
Miss Trunchbull
The Penguin
Miss Trunchbull (Matilda the Musical Film (2022)
Joffrey Baratheon
Claude Frollo
The Batman Who Laughs
Margaret White
Chris Hargensen
Sheila (Fear Street)
Alex DeLarge
Ramsay Bolton
Emperor Palpatine
Michael Myers
Bill Cipher
Bellatrix Lestrange
Sid Phillips
Granny Goodness
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