Whitestorm (Warrior Cats)
Whitestorm is a snowy-white tom with yellow eyes.
Whitestorm was a ThunderClan deputy under Firestar's leadership in the forest territories. He was born as Whitekit to Snowfur and Thistleclaw, and shortly thereafter, his mother was killed by a monster. He was then fostered by Robinwing alongside Brindlekit and Frostkit; however, it was Bluefur who mainly took care of him. He was apprenticed as Whitepaw to Patchpelt and later earned his warrior name, Whitestorm. He fathered Brindleface's kits, Ashfur, Ferncloud, Elderkit and Tulipkit before later mentoring Sandstorm and Brightheart. He later became mates with Willowpelt and the two had t...read more