Feathertail (Warrior Cats)
Feathertail was a RiverClan warrior under Leopardstar's leadership in the forest territories. Featherkit was born to Graystripe of ThunderClan and Silverstream of RiverClan alongside her brother, Stormkit. However, her mother died during the kitting, and after being temporarily fostered by Goldenflower in ThunderClan, Graystripe took his kits to RiverClan where they were fostered by Mosspelt. As an apprentice, Featherpaw was mentored by Mistyfoot, and after being held prisoner with other half-Clan cats by Tigerstar, she, along with Stormpaw and Mistyfoot, escaped to ThunderClan where her temporary mentor became Sandstorm. She fought in the...read more