A character from Dookuology's Star Wars fanseries, Terrcon Nelvor was the former apprentice and honorary son of former Jedi Master and later Count of Serenno, Etem Dooku. He is friends with his Jedi colleague, Aronpho Perrcoud, the former apprentice and honorary son of Nelvor's Master's friend, Josegavi Legabeck. Back then, the count considered Terrcon as "the only child I will ever have" as the count was a dedicated Jedi and never initially wanted to start his own family.
After Terrcon became an official Jedi Knight, his former Master was assigned on a mission on the planet of Nakami and never returned. This left him devastated that he remained a solo Jedi Knight until he took on Keshiri Vinna Celwik as his Padawan.
Unfortunately, Celwik was taken by the Ignominies to their homeworld Yirrim. Terrcon tried to rescue his Padawan, one of eyes was slashed in the process, leaving him blind in one eye and has a giant scar on said slash. As a result, he wallowed in sadness on the planet of Trore and seldomly visited his former Master in Serenno.
However, Terrcon soon noticed a crashed ship containing the refugee from Yirrim, Donotyr Lawsma, suspecting him to be his friend's former apprentice, Wintrev Legabeck. He soon had the chance to redeem himself to protect Donotyr in any chance he has and smuggled him into the planet of Serenno, where his former Master lived. He would often visit Donotyr, hidden under the name Heras Barirn, and often gives him gifts, including the latter's yellow lightsaber.
Compelled by his duty, Terrcon sacrificed his life for his former Master, his family, and for Wintrev. His last wish, which was intended for Wintrev and relayed through the count, was to find Vinna and giving Wintrev his former green lightsaber.
Wintrev was able to find Vinna Celwik, who was actually an old colleague named Zena Harik, and he was able to defeat the Ignominies in the process.