The main character from the fantasy series The OutPost (2018-2021), portrayed by Jessica Green. Talon is the sole survivor of a massacred village and was once believed to be the sole Blackblood survivor. When she was a child, her village and family were slaughtered by a group of mercenaries. She vowed revenge for her slain family and villagers, and sought to avenge their deaths by killing the men responsible.
Talon's quest for vengeance brought her to a deserted Outpost where she tracked the men responsible. With the help of an intelligent brewer and scholar, Janzo, the long-lost queen Rosmund, and a noble captain, Garret Spears, Talon was brought the mercenaries to justice. She soon begins to uncover the secrets of her people and learn of her her role in an ancient prophecy. She became a key member in Rosmund's quest to overthrow the oppressive Prime Order, and served as a trusted confidante and warrior to the aspiring Queen.
While she had the best intentions, Talon made the mistake of trusting a fellow blackblood named Zed, which resulted in Gallwood being taken hostage by two blackblood clans. In an effort to save her friends, she summoned the high priestess Yavalla through a portal. This inadvertently began The Hive epidemic that infected Rosmund, taking her away from the outpost. Talon served as interim base commander of Gallwood Outpost in Rosmund's absence, which brought her closer to Garret and a reformed Zed. Talon's quest to make things right reunited her with her long-lost father, who helped her save the realm from Yavalla's Hive. After the deaths of Rosmund and Yavalla, Gallwood knelt before Talon to signify their choice of leader.
Talon, however, didn't want the throne which left it vulnerable to the power-hungry Falista Relman. Talon didn't protest the claim but fought Falista's decisions at every turn. Her attention was divided with the awakening of The Seven, God-like creatures with immense power who sought to consume the Green World to further their immortality. After the death of Falista, and the final defeat of the The Seven, Talon married Garret Spears and became Queen of the Realm.
Talon possesses all the standard powers and abilities of a Blackblood. Additionally, Talon possesses expert hand-to-hand combat skills, able to defeat and outsmart several opponents who are professionally trained. She has taught herself several forms of martial arts and may have been taught by experts. Talon has bested several elite fighters who prided themselves on their fighting skills, including highly-trained soldiers such as Garret Spears and the mercenaries known as The Bones. However, her fighting skill is initially shown to be very brutish and she usually struck first and tried to overpower larger individuals. This often led to her defeat, such as when she fought Toru Magmoor and Tiberion Shek.
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Her fighting skills improved over time, as she learned to wait for her opponents to attack and understand their fighting methods before using her athleticism to best them. She also began to use more hand-to-hand combat over sword fighting, though her ability to sword fight has improved as well. She is extraordinarily athletic and lean, able to navigate a labyrinth designed to kill anyone who isn't in peak physical condition. Almost everyone who witnesses Talon either in battle or as an athlete is impressed by her feats. Her athletic physique is unique to her, and not a trait that all Blackbloods inherently possess.
Talon is an orphaned survivor of genocide. After witnessing the demise of her entire family and village, she swore to enact revenge on the men responsible. She trained herself to fight against those who would rather oppress her, observing the ways others fought and taking in training to those who offered her. She is brave, fearless, and determined in her quests. She is jaded from years on her own and doesn't easily trust others. Talon almost always has a plan or tricks up her sleeve. This is shown most prominently when she lied about never having played Octor before, all while hustling men out of their money. She needed the money to repair her damaged window, thus, doing it for her gain. Because of her gender, many people underestimate her, which she has grown to utilize to her advantage.
Talon is a confident woman in every regard. She was initially rather selfish in her quest to seek revenge on the men who killed her family. She didn't have much regard for how her actions would affect the other members at the Outpost. She also wasn't very friendly toward anyone. This began to change as her friendship with both Janzo and The Smith grows. As she begins to open up around Janzo, Talon is seen to be a kind woman who is curious about the world and where she comes from. The only self-conscious trait she has is about her ears, as she was forced to cut the black tips off to blend in with humans. She has grown protective over that secret and even styles her hair to where they are covered. After it comes out that she is a blackblood however, she is less conscious about her ears and even wears her hair to show them. More then anything, Talon wants to protect herself and those she cares for.
She doesn't trust easily, needing time to completely trust someone. She began to trust Zed and allow herself to care about him, even having sex with him. She was still cautious of his intentions despite his insistence that he was being honest with her. This is why when Zed betrayed her she was enraged and instantly fought him. The betrayal hurt Talon and she struggled to recuperate from the betrayal, especially since it came on the heel of a recent fight with a brainwashed Garret. When Talon does get betrayed those that did the deed have a tendency to suffer. In Zed's case, she could have killed him, but chose to spare his life, though she banished him back to the Plane of Ashes.
Those around her tend to look towards Talon for guidance due to her selfless, brave, and courageous nature. She despises that people count on her to lead them as she has a low opinion of her leadership skills. She prefers to be a warrior over being a leader, despite often questioning the orders that come above. After Gwynn's death, Talon begins to accept that she has the potential to lead, especially after Wren admits that Talon has a rare selfless nature. When Talon does lead, she is tough to her cohorts but fair, understanding when to be sensitive to their needs and when to force them forward.