Mackenzie "Kenzi" Malikov (portrayed by Ksenia Solo) is one of the main characters on the Canadian television series Lost Girl. Always armed with a one-liner, Kenzi is a con artist and thief, an extremely street-smart girl despite her youth. Kenzi, above all other things, is a survivor. Resilient, resourceful, and smart, Kenzi can keep a straight head no matter the problem, and her courage and wits make her an asset to Bo even when her human-sized physicality make her a target. Kenzi's also just fun for Bo to have around: her humor is droll and world weary, even at her young age: nothing can shock her, and she's even more street smart than Bo -- and far less trusting.
Kenzi has had pain in her past, but unlike Bo, she refuses to dwell on it. Instead, she keeps moving; mind on the next deal, the next con, next heist. With the soul (and heritage) of a former Eastern Block/communist-regime kid, she's prone to do whatever it takes to survive. Money and security are very, very important to Kenzi - the next most important thing to her, actually, other than Bo. Young without being naive; Kenzi is Bo's perfect foil and confidante.
Kenzi is a normal human with no innate supernatural powers and possesses average strength and stamina for her age. Being one of the only two humans in Bo's circle, Kenzi is able to sever the enthrallment that can happen from contact with Bo's blood.
She does, however, posses incredible skills as a criminal. She is described as a professional thief and con artist, evident by her extensive criminal record. She is well versed in skills such as pick pocketing, disguises and is quite a persuasive speaker on occasion. A testament to her resourcefulness, quick-wittedness and ingenuity is her survival instincts, as she ran away from home at an early age. Given Kenzi's Russian descent and family background she is fluent in Russian and English, and is fairly connected to the criminal underground, mostly through her familial connections.