Super Mecha Sonic Mark II, also known as simply Super Mecha Sonic (スーパーメカソニック Sūpā Meka Sonikku), is a transformation that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is the Super State of Mecha Sonic Mk. II, achieved by harnessing the power of the Master Emerald. Mecha Sonic assumed this form in an attempt to defeat Knuckles the Echidna during an attempt to steal the Master Emerald, only to be defeated for good. read more
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Super Mecha Sonic Mark II, also known as simply Super Mecha Sonic (スーパーメカソニック Sūpā Meka Sonikku), is a transformation that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is the Super State of Mecha Sonic Mk. II, achieved by harnessing the power of the Master Emerald. Mecha Sonic assumed this form in an attempt to defeat Knuckles the Echidna during an attempt to steal the Master Emerald, only to be defeated for good.
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