Power glows. The more power, the more glow. So, anything that glows is automatically presumed to be superior to otherwise identical things that don't glow, and more glow is better. This is closely related to the Rule of Cool because glowing is cool, so things that glow automatically get more Willing Suspension of Disbelief, allowing them to be more unrealistically powerful. They're often Good Colors, Evil Colors, too. For example, evil glows bright red, good glows blue or gold, and radioactive materials glow green.
Fan Casting
Sonic the Hedgehog (Movie)
Knuckles the Echidna (SCU)
Shadow the Hedgehog (SCU)
King Magnifico
Super Mecha Sonic
Hyper Sonic
Hyper Tails
Hyper Knuckles
Super Shadow (SCU)
Super Sonic
Super Sonic (SCU)
Fleetway Super Sonic
Dark Sonic
Super Shadow
Super Silver
Burning Blaze
Super Tails
Super Knuckles
Super Amy Rose
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