Onestar (Warrior Cats)
Onestar was a leader of WindClan in the lake territories. Onekit was born to Wrenflight and Stagleap with his sisters, Ashfoot and Morningflower. He was apprenticed as Onepaw to WindClan's deputy Deadfoot. Onepaw trained with two kittypets, Brushpaw and Tansypaw, who introduced Onepaw to the nearby Twolegplace. Onepaw began sharing dramatized tales of his heroism to the other kittypets, including earning the admiration of Smoke. He eventually earned his warrior name, Onewhisker and came to believe that kittypets could never become warriors after Brushpaw's death and Tansypaw returning to her Twolegs.
Onewhisker befriended Fireheart more