Fresh Pretty Cure!
Fresh Pretty Cure! (フレッシュプリキュア!, Furesshu PuriKyua!) or Fresh PreCure!, is a Japanese magical girl anime series and the sixth in the Pretty Cure metaseries by Izumi Todo, featuring the fourth generation of Cures. Produced by Toei Animation, the series was directed by Junji Shimizu (Jigoku Sensei Nube The Movie) and written by Atsushi Maekawa (Bakugan Battle Brawlers, Jewelpet). Character designs were created by Hisashi Kagawa (Saikano, Bomberman Jetters, Phantom Thief Jeanne). The series aired on TV Asahi's ANN network between February 1, 2009 and January 31, 2010, replacing Yes! PreCure 5 Go Go! in its initial time slot, and was more