Futari wa Pretty Cure
Futari wa Pretty Cure (ふたりはプリキュア? Lit. "We are Pretty Cure") is the original anime series that spawned the Pretty Cure franchise.
Directed by Nishio Daisuke and produced by Toei Animation, it premiered on TV Asahi on February 1, 2004, replacing the series Tomorrow's Nadja and Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan! in its timeslot. The story revolves around two girls, Misumi Nagisa and Yukishiro Honoka, who fight the forces of the evil Dotsuku Zone. Unusual for a magical girl series, the fights are mostly physical hand-to-hand combat.
It has a sequel, Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart. The 15th anniversary of the series was celebrated in 2018 during the ...read more