Doom Patrol (Grant Morrison)
Third run of the Doom Patrol by Grant Morrison, lasting from Doom Patrol #19 (1989) to #63 (1993), replacing Paul Kupperberg after issue #18. Issues #19-#22 make up the arc "Crawling from the Wreckage" and introduce Crazy Jane and the Scissormen. Also introduced in this run are Red Jack, the Brotherhood of Dada (including Eric Morden as Mister Nobody, Sleepwalk, the Fog, Frenzy, the Quiz, Alias the Blur, Number None, Love Glove, the Toy, and Agent!), Willoughby Kipling, Darling-Come-Home, the Decreator, the Cult of the Unwritten Book, Flex Mentallo, Danny the Street, Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. (including Darren Jones), Wallace Sage, Shadowy more