In the live-action adaptation, Dipstick is one of the original fifteen puppies of Pongo and Perdita, along with Lucky, Jewel, Fidget, Two-Tone, Whizzer, and many other pups. His name comes from his tail being half white and half black, resembling a dipstick.
One night, he is kidnapped by Jasper and Horace along with his other siblings, and they are taken to De Vil Manor to be killed and made into Cruella's Dalmatian fur coat. When he is trapped inside, he meets eighty-four other Dalmatian puppies, also to be made into said coat. Kipper, an Airdale terrier rescues them and reunites them with their parents.
After that, he and the other puppies hatch a plan to outwit Cruella.
In a barn, Dipstick is hiding in a pile a hay when Cruella spots him. Cruella tries to impale him with a pitchfork, but he uses his hiding ability to keep her from doing so, much to her frustration.
At the end of the film, Dipstick and his family live in the former De Vil mansion, now the Dalmatian Plantation.
In the tie-in book Meet the Puppies, it seems to claim that Dipstick has a similar behavior to Rolly, revealing that he loves to eat and usually asks for kibble or treats. One image even shows him asking Jewel if she would let him have some of her kibble.
In 102 Dalmatians, Dipstick is seen to have become an adult, moved off the Dalmatian Plantation (for reasons unspecified), and now lives with a woman named Chloe Simon in a flat in London. He has a mate named Dottie and three puppies of his own: Oddball, Domino, and Little Dipper (who resembles him the most in looks). In this live-action sequel, he again undergoes a drastic change in personality; unlike his TV series persona, he appears to be quite intelligent and is very protective of his family and pups, whom he cares about deeply.
Around the time Dipstick had become a father, Cruella was released from prison. When Chloe learns about being Cruella's probation officer, she at first refuses but changes her mind when Dipstick shows that he still remembers her. This is later evidenced when Dipstick meets Cruella again at Chloe's office with his puppies and begins to bark at her to stay away from his puppies, remembering what she had almost done to him a few years before.