Anunaya Anoop, better known by her stage name Meenakshi Anoop, is an Indian actress who works primarily in the Malayalam film industry. She is best known for her role as Fathima (Pathu/Pathumma) in the 2015 comedy film Amar Akbar Anthony and Nandinikkutty (Nandini) in the 2016 crime thriller Oppam. She is currently anchoring the show Top Singer in Flowers more
Baby Meenakshi has been suggested to play 39 roles. Click below to see other actors suggested for each role, and vote for who you think would play the role best.
Anunaya Anoop, better known by her stage name Meenakshi Anoop, is an Indian actress who works primarily in the Malayalam film industry. She is best known for her role as Fathima (Pathu/Pathumma) in the 2015 comedy film Amar Akbar Anthony and Nandinikkutty (Nandini) in the 2016 crime thriller Oppam. She is currently anchoring the show Top Singer in Flowers channel.
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