After War Gundam X
After War Gundam X (Japanese: 機動新世紀ガンダムX, Hepburn: Kidō Shin Seiki Gandamu Ekkusu, lit. Mobile New Century Gundam X), is a 1996 Japanese anime television series and the seventh installment in the long running Gundam franchise that started in 1979, but takes place in an alternate timeline called After War (A.W.; アフターウォー or 戦後, Sengo). The series has 39 episodes, aired in Japan from April 5, 1996, to December 28, 1996, across TV Asahi's ANN stations. It was directed by Sunrise veteran Shinji Takamatsu (Mobile Suit SD Gundam, The Brave of Gold Goldran, School Rumble), and the screenplay was written by Hiroyuki Kawasaki. read more