Digimon Adventure
Digimon Adventure (Japanese: デジモンアドベンチャー, Hepburn: Dejimon Adobenchā), known as Digimon: Digital Monsters[4] in English-speaking territories, is a 1999 Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation in cooperation with WiZ, Bandai and Fuji Television. It is the first anime series in the Digimon media franchise, based on the Digital Monster virtual pet.
A 1999 short film titled Digimon Adventure was released in theaters on March 6, 1999. This was followed by a television series, which aired in Japan from March 7, 1999 to March 26, 2000 for 54 episodes. After the television series' run, on March 4, 2000, a film sequel titled ...read more