Fan CastingYasuke of United Nation (2019 - 2022)
Tv series, A Original Story, AMC Networks
by angrybg18
Story added by angrybg18 on January 9, 2020
The Sci-Fi TV series is set on a fictional Earth-like planet called Terra based on modern planet Earth mixed with swordpunk & steampunk. Human civilizations developed on terra and Many elements of technology, such as electricity and ground vehicles, most people rode horses, but society didn't allow guns but only laser weapons called lasguns, which led to a reliance on melee weaponry, archery, and gun-like crossbows. animals evolved into exotic and speculative creatures. Odan is based on Zerrikania from Netflix's The Witcher TV Series & Wakanda from Marvel comic & MCU Movies and it is also home to all african people, except African more
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