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1 comment on Dancing with the Devil

  • thecookieprincess Mephatha is a demon who, like any other resident of Hell, was an angel but rebelled against God. Unlike the others, however, he had been remorseful for what he had done for centuries and wanted to return to Heaven and receive forgiveness from God. However, the horrors of Hell consumed him after those centuries to such an extent that he, like others of his kind, became simply a cruel demon, eager for human suffering. Over the years he managed to deceive thousands of people into the wrong path, but he was particularly fond of women who easily fell prey to his manipulations, generally becoming hedonists and adulterers. One “day” Satan gives him a special mission - to deceive a woman named Miriam into the wrong path. After the death of her husband, she fell into stimulants, alcohol and other “pleasures” and abandoned her faith in God, so Satan took a liking to her soul, but the woman, after experiencing a lot of suffering, both in her mental and physical health, decides to return to the right path and restore faith in God in her. Mephatha is sent to Earth in human form, taking the form of an ordinary man named Peter. In order to get her attention he fakes an accident - he lets himself be hit by her when she is driving a car. Miriam, terrified and filled with remorse, calls an ambulance and goes with him to the hospital. When Peter(Mefata) wakes up he talks to Miriam and tells her about himself, lies that he was betrayed abandoned by his wife and what misfortunes befell him to get Miriam's attention. When he takes a closer look at her he is dazzled by her beauty which brings him some strangely familiar associations, but which he tries to ignore. Miriam, believing that she has found someone who understands her, invites him to her home to get to know each other better. Mephate recognizes that the scales of victory are tipping on his side. They soon begin a “relationship.” Although Mephatha tries to manipulate her very cleverly and deceive her into the wrong path, this proves to be exceedingly difficult. Miriam trying to convert does not succumb to them, and instead sees him as someone who is wronged and needs help. Mephatha, however, her resistance neither enrages nor repels but...arouses fascination. She is not like his previous victims. She is different. This begins to be a new challenge for him at first, as well as fun. Over the following months, something is born in him that he finds hard to suppress - an affection for her. In order to win her soul, he decides to go to a very drastic step - to persuade her to commit suicide together in order to take her soul with him to Hell and have her as his property for eternity. He carefully prepares and executes the plan, and although he is very close to fulfilling it and bringing about her suicide, something stops him. Miriam, her innocence, her concern and the suffering she went through awakens in him the feelings that Hell would seem to have killed in him-remorse, the suffering he went through after rebelling against God and Heaven. This unites them no longer only seemingly, according to his plan. Moreover, in her beauty, her innocence and suffering and yet warmth, he finally sees Mary - Whom he often accompanied when he was an angel. This is the moment when he begins to oppose evil, Satan and Hell and accept her help in his conversion through the Christian religion. When he crosses the threshold of the church with her, he does not suffer. He feels a certain grace. When he prays with her he feels something more - God has forgiven him.