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4 comments on X-Men: Deadly Genesis

  • infinityson FULL SYNOPSIS (Part 1) // Cerebro alerts Professor X to the existence of an extremely powerful mutant on the remote Pacific island of Krakoa. The team, now including Havok and Polaris, heads off to find this mutant. Immediately upon their arrival, they are ambushed. Later, an amnesiac Cyclops awakes alone on the X-Men’s stratojet, which is already in flight on cruise control. His visor is missing but his eyes are inexplicably no longer emitting optic blasts. Upon returning to Xavier’s school, though, his optic blast begin firing once again but with more power than ever; Professor X gives him a new visor to control them. Xavier assembles a new team of experienced mutants to find and rescue the missing original team. Sunfire initially refuses to participate on the rescue mission and flies off in a huff. The rest of the new members agree, however, and depart in the stratojet. In midair, though, the group see Sunfire flying alongside their plane. He boards it and tells Cyclops he’s changed his mind and will participate in the mission. // (Giant-Size X-Men #1)
  • infinityson FULL SYNOPSIS (Part 2) //As the Stratojet approaches the island of Krakoa, Cyclops directs the team to split up into pairs: Storm and Colossus, Banshee and Wolverine, Sunfire and Nightcrawler, and lastly Thunderbird and Cyclops. There are minor disagreements and bickering among the new members, who are still just a pack of strangers to each other. Cyclops and Thunderbird land the Stratojet and begin their search. They have barely begun exploring the island before the Stratojet vanishes inexplicably. Upon seeing a temple in the distance, they head towards it. En route, they are attacked by creeper vines but take care of them quickly. Along the shore, Wolverine and Banshee are attacked by giant crabs. Elsewhere, Colossus and Storm trek toward the temple and are nearly struck by an avalanche. As they run for cover, the rocks follow them and Colossus uses a tree as a makeshift bat to swat them away. Finally, Nightcrawler and Sunfire battle a group of angry birds. Nightcrawler teleports around the attacking birds while Sunfire just blasts them. Each pair of heroes has spotted the temple and they all convene outside of it. They enter the temple, busting through a pair of tightly-sealed doors. Inside, they find the missing X-Men. Weird tendrils bind the captives and appear to feed off them. The new team quickly gets their predecessors to safety outside. Angel scolds Cyclops for returning. He explains that this was all just a trap. Krakoa needs to feed off the life energies of other mutants and found the X-Men to be an excellent source of sustenance. It allowed Cyclops to escape in order to bring back more mutants, which he did. The ground shakes, the temple rises out of the ground, and the entire island moves. // (Giant-Size X-Men #1)
  • infinityson FULL SYNOPSIS (Part 3) //Krakoa launches an all-out assault on the combined teams. Despite the combined power of old X-Men and new, none of their attacks seem to affect the island. Professor X then intervenes via a telepathic message and tells Cyclops he thinks he knows of its sole weakness. As Professor X attacks the island with his mind to distract its communal intellect, Storm flies into the sky and shoots electricity down into Polaris, stimulating her magnetic powers. Suffering from fatigue, Professor X's assault falters and Krakoa regains its strength from the typhoon that Storm has created and kills Thunderbird. Scott and Alex combine their powers with Lorna's own and she directs it downward. Her magnetic power penetrates to the center of the Earth, causing Krakoa to cry out in terror. As the island begins breaking up, everyone jumps onto Iceman's ice raft. Iceman covers his raft in an ice-bubble just before it is sucked into a whirlpool. Eventually, it breaks the ocean surface and the team emerges to find the Stratajet afloat nearby. // (Giant-Size X-Men #1)
  • infinityson FULL SYNOPSIS (Part 4) // Professor X congratulates the assembled X-Men old and new on the success of their recent mission. He also wants to talk to them about the future and asks all the new members to remain on a permanent basis. Most of them agree, some hesitantly. When Banshee is asked to stay, he confesses his concern that he is too old for the team of young heroes, but accepts the challenge anyhow. Sunfire, however, refuses to be a part of a long-term team and leaves. Unexpectedly, most of the original group - Marvel Girl, Iceman, Angel, Polaris and Havok - all opt to go their own ways as well. Of the original team, only Cyclops agrees to stay on, even though Jean pleads for Scott to leave with her. The next morning, Cyclops informs Jean that he loves her but he is staying. She tells him she loves him too, but still leaves along with the rest of the old team regardless. Cyclops introduces the new team to the Danger Room - the school’s combat training facility - for their first session. // (X-Men #94)