Fan CastingVynnx: Not so extreme things to do after corona lockdown-------!!!!!!
Bazzgy Baznuh PREZENTZ
by Eifer wanna bag bisc
Story added by suitzcase on December 16, 2020
Corona lockdown was a bich. Nowhere to go, stuck ina home u actually have to clean to look good. Get over that sore pain in 5 steps, shall we go?
1. Just to act a little silly you in your friend play games or a cool game would be MASH(Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House.)
2. Go to the kitchen to see if you have something cold. We're going for cold things. Sit in your bedroom, watch some Netflix.
3. Take a cold shower, go out, do some sight-seeing, look at some animals. Have fun and probably go watch a movie!
4. Come back home, do your hair, and start doing a vlog. Talk about how your day was.
5. Have a small party more
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