Fan CastingValvrave the Liberator
by Sunrise and Directed by Ko Matsuo
Story added by user_188521 on April 16, 2023
Haruto Tokishima, a student from Sakimori High School living on the sphere's "Module 77", discovers a mysterious and powerful mecha called Valvrave and uses it to defend the module from a Dorssian invasion that takes over the rest of JIOR. Once they learn that both Dorssia and the ARUS intend to claim the Valvrave for themselves, with no concern with their lives, the students of Sakimori High declare Module 77 an independent state and abandon JIOR territory. Soon after, several other Valvraves are found inside the school and some of them are claimed by other students who join Haruto's fight to protect it. Once Haruto is approached by more
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