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7 comments on The Terrors of the Lusca

  • misterwolf Plot: Lucía Herrera and Sienna Harris are watching a sunrise during their vacation at South Carolina. At the beach, Sienna proposes to her, asking "Lucía Herrera, will you make me the happiest person in the world?". Lucía accepts, stating that all she ever wanted was to be happy.

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  • misterwolf Upon their return to Florida and their reunion with their crew, they reveal their engagement to them. Later, while in bed, Lucía wakes up to sudden bellyache and starts vomiting in the restroom. Sienna wakes up upon hearing it and helps her; Lucía realizes that she is two months pregnant, courtesy of her last love one week before she and Sienna met. The next morning, Lucía and Sienna excitedly reveal engagement to Will and Sofia, as well as Lucía's pregnancy. They both congratulate them and give them a family hug. When Lucía and Sienna leave and set sail however, a shark-like monster with octopus tentacles appears and attacks other ships.

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  • misterwolf Sofia and Will manage to research the creature, and science reveals it as the Lusca, a sea monster that many assumed was either extinct or had existed only in myth. Lucía and Sienna decide to hunt it down and set sail for its whereabouts. Cassie O'Donnell joins the crew, reuniting with Carlos González, while a recovering Willow Reynolds also joins.

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  • misterwolf During a maelstrom, the Lusca attacks their ship and seriously damages the hull. The crew is forced to repair the ship in the storm; as the repaired ship is being driven by Carlos, Lucía starts throwing up again, with Sienna and Cassie at her side to help her. Cassie is the only member of the crew who does not know of Lucía's pregnancy, so she is told by her and Sienna of this.

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  • misterwolf Carlos is knocked unconscious when the ship collides with the Lusca's territory, forcing a weary Lucía to fight her own pregnancy sickness and take over as the pilot. She intentionally crashes the ship on land, allowing Sienna's brother Danny to arm the crew with harpoons and guns. Lucía fights her illness long enough to fight the beast with a spear.

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  • misterwolf Sienna joins Lucía in the fight, saying "We fight that thing together. We both kill it, for our child!", before they both overpower it and sever its tentacles. Lucía finishes the beast off by stabbing it through its head with the spear, before collapsing and going unconscious. Sienna carries her back to the ship and they make it to the docks. Lucía recovers in the hospital, and is relieved when she is informed that the baby is still alive. One week later, Lucía and Sienna learn that the baby is a girl, and has an A-positive blood type.

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  • misterwolf Six months later, a very pregnant Lucía and Sienna marry at the docks, before leaving and setting out on their repaired and now-modified ship. Two weeks after the wedding, Lucía gives birth to her daughter in the captain's quarters, and she and Sienna name her Luna. Sofia enters the quarters and holds Luna for the first time, and then the end credits roll.

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  • misterwolf End Credits: Written and Directed by Lexi Alexander | Produced by Zack Snyder | Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer | Produced by Gore Verbinski | Edited by Kirk M. Morri and James Wan | Cinematography by Zack Snyder and Trent Opaloch | Executive Producers: Steven Spielberg, Christopher Nolan, Michael Bay, and Steven Caple Jr. | Costumes Designed by Michael Wilkinson | Music by Hans Zimmer and Bear McCreary | Casting by Carmen Cuba | Sasha Calle | Ruby Rose | Hailee Steinfeld | Anthony Ramos | Katherine Waterston | Viola Davis | Morgan Freeman | Nick Adams | with Michael Keaton | and Salma Hayek | THE TERRORS OF THE LUSCA

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