Fan CastingThe Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires
by Grady Hendrix
Story added by saraolson1 on July 25, 2024
Bored and neglected, 90's Southern suburban housewife Patricia Campbell has little in her life that truly brings her joy. Her days are filled with caring for a senile mother-in-law named Miss Mary, a doctor husband, Carter, who spends much of his time working, and two teenage children, Korey and Carter Jr., aka "Blue," who are growing up and are distracted by their own interests.
Patricia's sole escape is her book club, which has recently splintered into a new group that focuses on true crime. The group includes Grace, Kitty Scruggs, Slick Paley, and Maryellen. The book club is a chance for these women to escape their domesticity and more
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