Fan CastingThe Remake Of Fanboy And Chum Chum
A vivid imagination leads a boy, his sidekick and their pals to adventures
by eric robles, gennedy tarakovsky, fred seitbert, and steve tomkins
Story added by jaszmincaesar1 on August 29, 2023
fanboy and Chum Chum is about two silly boys who are obsessed with comic book superheroes, fantasy, and science-fiction, including their favorite superhero, man-artica. they are dressed as superheroes and save Galaxy Hills from evil while annoying everyone including Marsha and the supervillain of all time, Tasmanian Tiger. they even befriended the witch, Kylie Duckworth Anderson, and a werewolf vampire, Carlos Harris. Many episodes are based around comical parodies of famous films or contain countless references to popular culture, chronicling Fanboy and Chum Chum's exaggerated, surreal daily experiences and misadventures relating to more
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