Fan CastingThe Hunchback of Notre Dame
Live action disney
by Disney
Story added by theworldofmrg on August 1, 2024
When Judge Frollo discovers a group of Gypsy castaways, he attempts to imprison them, leaving a baby in his arms in the shadow of Notre Dame Cathedral. Realizing the child is deformed, he begins to throw him into a well, but is stopped by a priest who tells him to care for the child in his stead. Thus, the infant Quasimodo is taken to a place of sanctuary and confinement, becoming the bell-ringer of the great cathedral. As he grows up, he longs to be out in the world for one day, and suddenly gets his wish, only to learn how cruel the world can be. Quasimodo is fortunate to meet the Gypsy Esmeralda, who befriends him and saves him from more
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