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4 comments on The Great and Secret Show

  • martinhieber Ha no. Simon Pegg would be better as fletcher, not The Jaffe. Good luck for Tesla. Harry D'Amour portrayed by Joel McHale?? That guy is a clown. Harry D'Amour is a badass. The actor from the movie Lord of Illusions portrayed him well. The Jaffe should be played by Jackie Earl Haley. He was Freddy Krueger in that horrible remake, but also Rorschach in The Watchmen. He'd be an excellent casting. Death Boy should be that guy from High School Musical, Zac Efron, but he might be getting a little too old. It could work though.
    • martinhieber   @martinhieber Sorry, I meant to type that your pick for Tesla was a good one. Stupid auto correct.
    • martinhieber   @martinhieber also, Fletcher should NOT be played by Bradley Cooper. He has waayyyy too much Charisma and good looks. Fletcher was a dull dreamer. If you want an A-lister for the role, pick someone with more depth than Cooper. Christian Bale could nail the role and show Fletcher's depth
    • martinhieber   @martinhieber one final thing for the time being. The Great and Secret Show could not be told in one season. Maybe if the episodes are an hour and there's 12-15 in the season. Season 1 should be up until The Jaffe and have their confrontation at the mall and Fletcher ascends into the light. Season 2 should be up until the remained cast enters Quiddity from The Jaffe using The Art. Season 3 should be the conclusion with the Iad being stopped.... .... depending on popularity, an entirely different series could be made for Everville. THEN HOPEFULLY THAT RIDICULOUS CLIVE BARKER CAN GIVE US FANS WHAT WE DESERVE, A CONCLUSION TO THE TRILOGY!! I want to see what happens with Tesla having The Art. Tommy-Ray evolving entirely into the frightful Death-Boy also!! PICK IT UP BARKER! DO IT FOR THE FANS, BUT DO IT MAINLY FOR YOU!! YOU DESERVE TO PUT THIS STORY OUT THERE!