Fan CastingThe Fountain of Fair Fortune
One of The Tales of Beedle the Bard
by J.K. Rowling
Story added by shadowthorne3 on April 23, 2020
There is an enchanted and enclosed garden that is protected by "strong magic." Once a year, an "unfortunate" is allowed the opportunity to find their way to the Fountain, to bathe in the water, and win "fair fortune forever more."
Knowing that this may be the only chance to truly turn their lives around, people (with magical powers and without) travel from the far reaches of the kingdom to try and gain entrance to the garden. It is here that three witches meet and share their tales of woe. First is Asha, "sick of a malady no Healer... could cure," who hopes the Fountain can restore her health. The second is Altheda, who was robbed and more
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