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3 comments on Superman: Public Enemy

  • castingmaestro All three work for Perry White who exploits Superman’s fame to boost the popularity of the Daily Planet. On the anniversary of Zod’s defeat, a parade is held in Superman’s honor. Clark is unable to attend due to an attack by the infamous Metallo overseas. While Superman is overseas, Lex uses a holographic Superman at the parade to kill the mayor, framing Superman for his murder. Superman returns to Metropolis only to find protests and riots all calling for Superman’s arrest. Superman denies killing the mayor but the camera footage and millions of witnesses are all against him. However, footage from Superman’s battle with Metallo that occurred at the same time as the killing helps his argument. Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane start a group of supporters who are trying to prove his innocence. Some people are on the fence while others believe that Superman used his superspeed to kill the mayor during his battle with Metallo. Perry White panders to both sides to create a need for continuing media coverage. Being impatient and fearing that Superman’s supporters will figure out what Lex did, he decides to take matters into his own hands. He uses his hologram tech along with drones to make it look like Superman is committing more crimes all around the world. Lois is able to find one of the holographic drones and discover that it’s a Lexcorp drone. Meanwhile, Lex’s assistant Mercy Graves gives him what he’s been looking for that could help him to defeat Superman. He calls it Kryptonite.
  • castingmaestro Superman confronts Lex only to find him in a modified version of General Zod’s suit now fit with a glowing green lexcorp logo on the chest. The suit seems to give Luthor the same powers as Superman all while weakening him whenever he gets close to Lex. At the daily planet, Perry and Lois are in an argument that gets interrupted when they see Superman and Lex burst through Lexcorp. Perry sends Lois and Jimmy to investigate and take pictures. Lois takes the news chopper to get a better view of what's happening. Lex’s face is uncovered so Jimmy gets several photos to prove it’s Lex. As Superman fights Lex, he makes sure to protect as many civilians as he can. Lex crashes through the middle of the Daily Planet building and Superman leaves the fight to get everyone to safety. Once everyone is safe, he finds Lex standing on top of Lexcorp holding Lois. Superman lands next to them and tells him to let Lois go, which Lex does, leading Lois to plummet towards the ground. Superman goes to save her but is stopped by a Kryptonite based laser beam temporarily draining him of his powers. Thankfully, Jimmy and the helicopter are able to save Lois and Superman. Superman is carried to where he can receive the most sunlight to regain his power. The air force arrives and distracts Lex enough for Superman to power up and quickly punch Lex unconscious. Superman’s name is cleared and Lex is imprisoned.
  • castingmaestro Post Credit Scene: Mercy Graves breaks Lex out of prison. End Credit Scene: A mannequin head wrapped in bandages is delivered to Bruce Wayne’s doorstep.