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3 comments on SuperMan (DCCU, P1M2)

  • carsonruth When the planet Krypton explodes, a survivor is sent to earth and adopted by the Kent family. As Clark Kent grows up it becomes apparent he is not like other kids his age. Eventually, Clark would discover the pod he came to earth in and confronts Pa Kent, who comes clean and tells Clark everything, This leads Clark to discovering the Fortress of Solitude and discovering his true father and the fate of Krypton, his home planet. He would find the famous superman suit but not use it because of Pa’s advice. Pa believed that if his son used his fantastic alien powers that the world would fear and not accept him. Because of this, Clark would stay dormant and begin to live a normal life, becoming a journalist for the Daily Planet. There, he would meet Lois Lane and begin to develop a crush on her. He would also meet his best friend Jimmy Olsen. All this time Clark would be living as a normal man despite having godly powers. Until one day, when traveling to a spot where he was going to write a report, he would be put in a position where he would be forced to use his power in order to save a life. He would then begin wearing his suit and operating in a metropolis. The Daily Planet would dub him “The Super Man” and he would become an icon in the city. After a couple months of Clark being Superman, General Zod would attack Metropolis after escaping the negative zone, Clark would not snap his neck and would instead put him back into the negative zone at the end of the movie. Post credit scene would be Supergirl barely slipping out.
  • marvelfanboy Very good 😉
  • babyboy06 real cool