Fan CastingSpider-Girl: From The Depths of The Spider-Verse
Spider-Man Cinematic Universe, Phase 3, Film 5
by Aluminumforest, Marvel Comics, and Tom DeFalco
Story added by aluminumforest on July 25, 2023
In the first film in the SMCU set outside of the main continuity, Peter Parker has retired from being Spider-Man following a battle with the Green Goblin that cost him his leg. Years later, his and MJ’s daughter, Mayday, discovers that she has inherited Peter’s spider powers. Because of the lessons taught to her by her parents over his life, she decides to become the Spectacular Spider-Girl! This catches the attention of the vigilante Black Tarantula, who decides to mentor Mayday. After Electro’s daughter Aftershock and the serial killer Carnage are broken out of jail, the two work together to apprehend them, but things are not what they more
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