In a surreal, semi-magical version of New York City, Sammy, a socially awkward yet ambitious young artist, struggles to reconcile his dreams of success with his fear of failure. After a cosmic event merges reality with the world of his imagination, Sammy must navigate a strange, musical odyssey through heightened versions of his personal struggles: self-doubt, the pressure to fit in, his family’s expectations, and the unpredictable chaos of life. Guided by his estranged older brother, Leo, who suddenly reappears, Sammy must confront his fears and learn how to take control of his life—or risk losing himself in the dreamscape forever. The songs in this musical includes Overture, 100 Bad Days, Weak, Bang!, Burn The House Down, Karma, The Good Part, Ordinaryish People, Way Less Sad, World's Smallest Violin, The Trick, Record Player, Adventure Is Out There, The DJ Is Crying For Help, Turning Out, Bummerland, Come Hang Out, 3'O Clock Things, Sober Up, Netflix Trip, Yes I'm A Mess and Let The Games Begin
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