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  • t_man900 Announcer says “Welcome ladies and gentlemen to bbe and fighting tonight is rumble rider and also fighting smash wheel who will win” Rumble rider punches smash reel in the face and kicks his legs and Rumble rider is about to finish the fight but then smash wheel gets up punch rumble rider in face and jumps on rumble rider and punch over and over again the Announcer says that Smash wheel has won the fight. Later at Rumble wheel real name Chris Keen doctor’s office the doctor says that Chris body is damage and that he can’t fight no more. A couple months later Chris keen is drinking in a bar and gets in a bar fight and some guy punch Chris in the face and the bartender tells Chris to go home. Chris gets in his car and drives home with a bottle of whisky in his hand, then it starts to rain and Chris car slips and crashes into a tree and then Chris wakes and sees and man he says he is Hercules and I have been watching you I want you to have my powers and be my avatar to protect the weak and help the helpless do you except Chris Keen says yes. Then Chris wakes up back in his bed and he feels different he moves superfast and he punches a wall and he walks to the store and he sees a man trying to steal money Chris runs over their and punches the guy in the face and runs him to jail. When Chris is walking home he sees a some people trying to rob a woman so then Chris Keen summon a super suit and fights the thugs. Months later the hero Rumble Giant he helping the city. Then Chris Keen goes back to bbe and he fights Smash wheel and Chris wins. A couple weeks later Smash wheel finds out Chris Keen is Rumble Giant. Then Smash Wheel becomes a avatar of a god and he goes to fight Rumble giant and smash wheel is now smash giant. Smash Giant finds rumble giant and they fight they move super-fast and their punches shatters windows then it looks like Rumble giant is down but then rumble giant gets a weapon and he hits Smash giant and smash giant lose and goes to a magical prison in rumble giant sky base. Post credit scene commander is talking to rumble giant.