t_man900the revengers wake up on the plane Nick fury=Hello Freddy=Not this again Nick fury=Hello Revengers Ghost face=Hey Nick, how did we get here Nick fury= the knockout gas Black manta=How does that gas work anyway Nick fury=the gas is made of a Biomechatronic chemical Ghost face=Why did you not ask superheroes to fight albert Wesker Nick fury=Because they are not willing to take a life Freddy=Why did you not ask John Constantine to join this mess up team Nick fury=Last I heard he was in… Pin head=Hell Ghost face=Hell? Freddy=John is person who use dark magic and fights demons Harley Quinn=Where is this jet even taking us Nick fury=the umbrella corporation main headquarters Shield agent=We’re here sir Nick fury=Ready up All of the revengers get ready up and the plan lands and the revengers gets out of the plane in slowly motion and they break into the base and they see a army of robots albert wesker=Hello Revengers, meet my robots called horror bots Freddy=What do they do albert wesker=Each one of these robots have all your powers and skills Freddy=If you think these robots’ rip-offs can beat us albert wesker=Yes albert wesker active the horror bots and they charge at the revengers Freddy=Revengers dismember All the revengers who can talk yell The revengers run The one horror bot shoots lasers at Jason and Jason gets thrown out of the base Jason=Cha, cha, cha Jason slowly gets up and walks back into the base Freddy= guys here is the plan Me, Jason, Michael, Ghost face, Black manta, Punisher, Chucky, Leather face, T-800, Predator, Jigsaw, Candyman, and Ash Williams are team A and we go to fight albert Wesker and Tiffany, Annabelle, Pin head, Pennywise, Hannibal Subzero, Dracula, Sadako Yamamura, dark man, creeper, Harley Quinn, Rachel Cole Alves, and the xenomorph are team B and they fight and hold off the horror bots All the revengers who can talk besides Freddy=Okay Jason=Cha, cha, cha Predator and the xenomorph roar Michael Myers stares Annabelle shakes her head Freddy=Okay, Let’s do this, Revengers dismember Team A goes to fight Albert Wesker and Team b goes to try to hold off the horror bots for as long they can Team A runs up the stares and they make in to the top and they see another ghost face Good Ghost face=It can’t be Bad ghost face=Yes it can be, Hello Billy Freddy=Wait your real name is Billy Good ghost face=Shut up Freddy. Good to see you again Stu Bad ghost face=So you work for Nick fury. Well, I work for Albert Wesker. So, I guess I got to kill you Good ghost face=We were the first ghost face. It’s time we end the ghost face name Bad ghost face=I guess so Good ghost face=Go and fight Albert Wesker Freddy=Okay revengers go, Be careful okay ghost face Good ghost face=Don’t worry I’ll be fine As the revengers run to fight Albert Wesker both Ghost faces run at each other to fight each other While the team A runs to fight albert Wesker they see Alice outside of the door where Albert Wesker is Michael then tackles Alice to the ground and then Michael point for the revengers to go ahead and then the revengers go ahead Then the team A minus Michael and ghost face see albert Wesker holding the Necronomicon and Albert Wesker smirks Now with team B Tiffany, Annabelle, Pin head, Pennywise, Hannibal, Subzero, Dracula, Sadako Yamamura, dark man, creeper, Harley Quinn, and the xenomorph are trying to hold off the horror bots but it not going to good Tiffany=I hope chucky is okay Pin head=These robots shall fall to… While pin head is talking one of the horror bots blast pin head with laser eyes Pin head=That hurt Pennywise=time to float robots Pennywise tries to make them float but it didn’t work The horror bots grab pennywise and throws him threw the wall Hannibal Tries to make a horror bot go for ear he found but he didn’t work Hannibal=Why didn’t it work Then the horror bot then breaks one of Hannibal hands Hannibal=Ow Subzero runs to Hannibal and put ice on where the horror bot broke Hannibal hand Subzero=Better now Hannibal=A Little yeah Subzero then runs at a horror bot and tries to shoot ice at it but it also shoots ice subzero and horror bot are both shooting ice and it is equal but then another horror bot teleports there and shoots ice at subzero and subzero is blast threw the wall and into the water Subzero=Ahhhhhhhh Dracula is flying around the base and then one of the horror bots also fly and punch Dracula to the ground Dracula=How dare you punch the king of Transylvania Then the horror bot then picks up Dracula and slammed him on the floor Sadako Yamamura is push back by a horror bot throw the wall Dark Man=We are getting butts handed to us Dark man makes himself look like a horror bot and goes up to a horror bot and tries to trick the horror bot and he thinks it’s going well then the horror bot knows he is not a robot and start choking dark man Dark man Gasping for air=How Then the Horror bot throws Dark Man on ground Creeper=Hello robot The horror bot then turned around and looked at the creeper and then the creeper started running at the horror bot Creeper=Ready for a bite Creeper bites the arm of the horror bot and some of the creeper teach break then the horror slapped the Creeper in the face and creeper went through wooden boxes Harley Quinn=Time to die Harley shoots her guns all crazy like at the horror bots, but it did nothing Harley Quinn=Oh shoot One of the horror bot’s heats Harley Quinn with a baseball bat the xenomorph roars the xenomorph charge at one of the horror bots then the horror bot grabs the xenomorph and then rips off the xenomorph tail and then throws the xenomorph Rachel Cole Alves=Hey you stupid robot Rachel Cole Alves shoots at a horror bot but it does nothing then the horror bot slaps Rachel Cole Alves across the base Now with ghost face Both ghost face start fighting the evil ghost face gets the good face against the wall and the bad ghost face gets his knife and puts in close to good ghost face knife Bad ghost face=You have gotten soft and weak Good ghost face=Maybe or Maybe not Good Ghost face uses his knife and stabs bad ghost face in the waste Bad ghost face groans Then good ghost face takes bad ghost face knife and stabs bad ghost face in the eye and bad ghost face dies Ghost face=Bye Stu Then ghost runs to help the revengers fight albert Wesker Now with team A of the Revengers Jason, Freddy, Black manta, Punisher, Chucky, Leather face, T-800, Predator, Jigsaw, Candyman, and Ash Williams. Stare at albert Wesker with the book in his hand Albert Wesker=your too late I’m more powerful than ever Freddy=No Matter How powerful you are we will beat All the revengers besides Freddy nods their heads Albert Wesker=then come and get me Freddy=You are about to feel a nightmare in real life Freddy runs at Albert Wesker and tries to cut him, but Albert Wesker grabs Freddy by the neck and throws Freddy on the floor Albert Wesker=I guess this is your nightmare Black Manta runs to stab Albert Wesker but then Albert Wesker grabs Black manta arms and ripped off the armor on it and then Albert Wesker punch black manta back Albert Wesker=You are a joke for a pirate Punisher=Hey buddy Punisher then shoot his guns at Albert Wesker, but Albert Wesker dodges all the bullets and then he runs and punch punisher to the ground Chucky=Surprise Chucky tries to jump of Albert Wesker, but Albert Wesker catches Chucky and then throws Chucky Albert Wesker=Stupid doll Leather face=Groans Leather face runs at Albert Wesker with his chain saw and Leather face was trying to cut Albert Wesker but then Albert Wesker ducked and punch leather face in the stomach and Leather Face falls on the floor Albert Wesker=Who next T-800= hasta la vista baby Albert Wesker=The robot T-800 then shoot Albert Wesker but Albert Wesker dodges it and peels off the T-800 organic skin and then throws the T-800 Albert Wesker=What some more Predator roars Predator runs at Albert Wesker and Predator tries to bite Albert Wesker but then Albert Wesker grabs Predator by the mouth and throws the Predator on the floor Albert Wesker smirks Albert Wesker sees something and then picks it up and he finds a piece of a trap then he Sees Jigsaw Albert Wesker=Come here Jigsaw=No Albert Wesker grabs Jigsaw and then throws Jigsaw on the floor Albert Wesker=What some more Candyman=Why not Candyman set bees to attack Albert Wesker, but Albert Wesker kills all the bees and then he punch Candyman in the face Albert Wesker=This is too easy Ash Williams=Try me Albert Wesker=fine Ash Williams runs at Albert Wesker with his chainsaw hand but then grabs Ash Williams and then throws him on the floor Albert Wesker=Not even the great Ash Williams can beat me Albert Wesker Laughs Jason=Cha, Cha, Cha Albert Wesker=Come and get it Jason runs at Albert Wesker then Albert grabs Jason Arm and then Albert Wesker takes the Kandarian Dagger out of his pocket with stabs Jason Jason Groans in pain Then Albert Wesker throws Jason out of a widow and into the water Albert Wesker=I made the man who can’t die groan in pain Freddy=Manta go help Jason Black Manta shakes his head then he jumps in the water Albert Wesker=All of you are weak compared to me Now with Michael Myers fighting Alice puts Michael against the wall and have a knife to his neck Alice=You are weak and puny you are a ridiculous excuse for a serial killer Michael then takes his knife and then stabs Alice in the chest and then Alice dies Ghost face=Good job Michael shakes his head Now back with Freddy, Punisher, Chucky, Leather face, T-800, Predator, Jigsaw, Candyman, and Ash Williams fighting Albert Wesker Albert Wesker throws Freddy at a table made of vibranium Freddy=That hurts Freddy then sees a button Freddy=Why not Freddy pushes the button and then all the horror bots are shut down Freddy=That’s cool Albert Wesker grabs Freddy by the neck Albert Wesker=I’m going to kill you Punisher, Chucky, Leather face, T-800, Predator, Jigsaw, Candyman, and Ash Williams get ready to fight Albert Wesker=You think you guys and beat me Punisher=We must try Then Tiffany, Annabelle, Michael Myers, Pennywise, Hannibal, Ghost face, Dracula, Sadako Yamamura, dark man, creeper, Harley Quinn, and the xenomorph kick down the door and they are ready to help fight Albert Wesker Harley Quinn=Hello Albert Wesker stops choking Freddy Then Pinhead teleports into the room and he is ready to fight Albert Wesker Pinhead=Hi there Then a bridge it outside the broken window and on the ice, bridge is Subzero, Black Manta, and a hurt Jason and all three are ready to fight Black Manta=Ready to die Albert Wesker=I can beat you all Freddy=Let’s see about that Freddy, Jason, Michael, Ghost face, Black manta, Punisher, Chucky, Leather face, T-800, Predator, Jigsaw, Candyman, Ash Williams, Tiffany, Annabelle, Pin head, Pennywise, Hannibal Subzero, Dracula, Sadako Yamamura, dark man, creeper, Harley Quinn, Rachel Cole Alves, and the xenomorph Charge at Albert Wesker Albert Wesker=Let’s go Freddy slash Albert Wesker with his claws, Jason gets his machete and slash Albert Wesker, Michael stabs Albert Wesker, Black Manta stabs Albert Wesker, Punisher shoots Albert Wesker, Chucky stabs Albert Wesker, Leather face use his chainsaw on Albert Wesker, T-800 shoots Albert Wesker, Predator stabs Albert Wesker, Jigsaw sets a bear trap for Albert Wesker and Albert Wesker steps on it, Candyman slash Albert Wesker with his hook, Ash William use his chainsaw hand on Albert Wesker, Tiffany stabs Albert Wesker, Annabelle manifesting droplets of blood at Albert Wesker, Pin head Teleports and punch Albert Wesker, Pennywise makes Albert Wesker float for a little bit then Pennywise punch Albert Wesker, Hannibal stabs Albert Wesker in the kneel with a fork, Subzero shoots ice at Albert Wesker, Dracula slashes Albert Wesker with his sword, Sadako Yamamura use her psychic powers and push Albert Wesker, dark man punches Albert Wesker in the face, creeper bites Albert Wesker, Harley Quinn shoots Albert Wesker, Rachel Cole Alves shoots Albert Wesker, and the xenomorphs spit on Albert Wesker Albert Wesker=It that it Freddy=Jason do you have the Kandarian Dagger Jason shows Freddy the Kandarian Dagger Freddy=good Freddy tells a plan to the team And they members who can talk=Yes Freddy, Jason, Michael, Ghost face, Black manta, Punisher, Chucky, Leather face, T-800, Predator, Jigsaw, Candyman, Tiffany, Annabelle, Pin head, Pennywise, Hannibal Subzero, Dracula, Sadako Yamamura, dark man, creeper, Harley Quinn, Rachel Cole Alves, and the xenomorph hold down Albert Wesker and then Freddy throws the necronomicon out of Albert Wesker’s hands and then Ash Williams grabs Necronomicon and also grabs the Kandarian Dagger Freddy=Do it now Ash Ash Williams stabs the Kandarian Dagger in Necronomicon and Albert loses the power up Albert Wesker=No Then the revengers kill Albert Wesker and then they go outside the base and see a shield Jet Nick fury=Good work Revengers you beat Albert Wesker you are all free and Freddy=So we are done Nick fury=Yes Nick Fury gets on the shield and leaves the Revengers Freddy=Hey jerk how are we going to leave this island Then another shield jet arrives and the revengers get on and they get dropped off and their favorite location The revengers will return
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