Fan CastingPinche Perro Gacho (Worst trilogy was made in 1980s-2000s)
I made this worst trilogy.
by Cannon Films (1984-1993) and 20th Century Fox (1993-2001)
Story added by karlaibarrahernandez on September 2, 2022
After the angry old man named Pinche Perro Gacho quests his infinity villains named Professor Abomination/Emil Blonsky, Olor A Mierda Rompemadres Cabron, George Floyd, Koko The Gorilla, Dr. Michael Morbius, Tardward (he's an Twitter account), Ignacio (He's an Mario OC), Big Chungus, Damn Daniel and Emo SponegeBob to the negative zone. He finds her friends, SpongeCock, The Undertaker, Mrs. Bety (aka la bety se droga), Supa Hot Fire (he's not a rapper), Ferrari Mario Luigi, Comedy Chimp, An Shrimp (is disgusting food), Austin Powers (he's played by Mike Myers), Bruce Vilanch, LeVar Burton, Beetlejuice and Ryan Nigahiga to find her infinity more
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