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Fan Casting Roles for Pasta end friends 11: the sinsiter sus



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13 comments on Pasta end friends 11: the sinsiter sus

  • mlg9420nftz @rockysullivan69 Captain Ignition is often mistaken as Emperor Kelly (Because of the similar gear). The only difference between the two is, Emperor Kelly is a bit taller and way more powerful. Btw, Captain ignition was created after Emperor Kelly leaves the Pasta End Friends Universe, and travels to space

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    • rockysullivan69   @mlg9420nftz but vleeper is sleeper.exe's biological son and he doesn't need to leave his son behind!

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    • mlg9420nftz   @rockysullivan69 Yes. But i’m talking about R. Kelly, he cloned himself. Captain Kelly II and Captain ignition are R. Kelly’s clones who he treats like his sons. Captain ignition is R Kelly’s stronger son than Captain Kelly II. So R. Kelly send Captain Ignition to keep tabs on Vleeper, Sleeper.exe, Red, Chuck, Jay, Steve and everyone in the Pasta End Friends universe, while he goes power hungry and starts to travel between galaxies and universes in the Angrycraft67 multiverse

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    • rockysullivan69   @mlg9420nftz vleeper and Sleeper.exe have a symbiotic relationship like sleeper and venom does and vleeper and sleeper.exe both hated lasher and mamba for killing phage and toxin!

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  • mlg9420nftz Captain Ignition’s main purpose is to keep tabs on everyone in the Pasta End Friends universe incase his enemies plan a revenge. Btw, Captain Ignition is the same strengtg as R. Kelly (Emperor) when he was fighting Sleeper.EXE and starts to leave the Pasta End Friends universe

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  • mlg9420nftz @rockysullivan69 Captain Ignition, is another R. Kelly Clone son of Emperor Kelly, who is created to watch over Pasta End Friends universe. The Sinister Sus will become allies to the P.E.E. Empire

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