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25 comments on My Fan Cast for Batman

  • theoriginalmartian Be careful not to vote "no" on any of jadonthomas's suggestions. He's very sensitive and anyone daring to disagree with him will result in being verbally attacked. He will jump to many untrue conclusions about you, including your motives and general things about you as a person. I have a thick skin, so I don't care what one jerk on the internet thinks about me. However, if you are sensitive to being verbally attacked, just stay away from this story.

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    • fruitsnack   @jadonthomas hes allowed to say no if he don't like it... shut up snowflake

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    • dccu_entertainment   @jadonthomas I find it so amusing that you're still butthurt about this after two years. It's truly a reflection of the petty nature of your character. And your comment about my "book" shows that you're just as stupid now as you were two years ago. If you can't bother to read something as brief as my comment, I can safely bet you've never educated yourself and read a real book. Also, calling someone gay isn't a good comeback, so sit your illiterate ass down and move on with your pathetic excuse for a life.

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    • dccu_entertainment   @jadonthomas Leave @fruitsnack alone. He's absolutely correct. I have the right to downvote a suggestion if I think it sucks. You are by definition being a snowflake. You melt down when people disagree with you and you smear them and ignore their completely valid counterpoints to your demented babbling. Furthermore, you still haven't let things go after two years. Real sign of maturity, dude. Grow up.

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  • jadonthomas I only respond when it's clear someone intentionally says no to all of my good pics just because it's not part of their favorite actors list. This man clearly doesnt have a thick skin, if hes complaining about it like a hurt kid on the internet.

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    • theoriginalmartian   @jadonthomas Not complaining. Warning. Your reactions are in equal proportion pathetic and amusing. I am also aware that there are those out there who would be very hurt by the same things that you have said to me, and I'm trying to prevent the fight you seem set on starting.

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  • nathanbates A very Val Kilmer-y pick