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3 comments on MCU’s Fantastic Four

  • fredericarrowsmith I'm actually a Composer, here's a Link to my own Comic Book Movie music that maybe can inspire your castings/stories -
    • fredericarrowsmith   @superbros991 I checked out your story and regarding the time period the 60's makes sense, as for casting the Krasinski/Blunt thing I'm not a fan of, everybody says them so they are the played out choice now (no disrespect to you, many people have wanted them for so long now, but remember that Kevin Feige said regarding of the casting of Richards he stated that ''remember which actor is playing Kang'' - with Kang and Richards being related in the comics at least one of Storm/Richards is probably going to be played by a Black/mixed performer) but as for your story on whatever that site was in the link, that is the right way to go about it with the time period setting. Good luck on your further endeavours and maybe my music can inspire you (check the you tube link on my comment) .

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  • daviddyster Is there any chance you could do an MCU X-Men Casting?