Scarlett Johansson
Cast Your VoteChris Hemsworth
Cast Your VoteTom Holland
Cast Your VoteHugh Jackman
Cast Your VoteScott Eastwood
Cast Your VoteJonathan Daviss
Cast Your VoteChloë Grace Moretz
Cast Your VoteJoseph Gordon-Levitt
Cast Your VoteEva Green
Cast Your VoteCody Fern
Cast Your VoteDamson Idris
Cast Your VoteAndy Serkis
Cast Your VoteJoel Kinnaman
Cast Your VoteChristian Bale
Cast Your VoteLudi Lin
Cast Your VoteHenry Golding
Cast Your VotePierce Brosnan
Cast Your VoteOliver Jackson-Cohen
Cast Your VoteSamara Weaving
Cast Your VoteLiu Yifei
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