Fan CastingM.U.G.E.N. (Build your own video game!)
by M.U.G.E.N.
Story added by mephilesthedark on December 8, 2022
Mugen is a freeware 2D fighting game engine designed by Elecbyte. Content is created by the community, and thousands of fighters, both original and from popular fiction, have been created. Meaning, we can use any character and stages we want and put them in our very own Mugen! So add whichever characters and stages you want! Go nuts!
RULES: In the Character roles, USE CHARACTERS ONLY. In the Stage rules, USE LOCATIONS ONLY! Meaning, don't add random movies in the characters and stage roles, like Iron Man 3 or something. If I see one user doing this while breaking the rules, I'll block them, so please don't do more
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