Fan CastingLord of the Rings (ANIMATED Film)
In the style of mid-century Disney/Bluth movies
by Jessica Mahon (@my2k)
Story added by nathanielforvare on August 23, 2023
I was inspired by some fanart by animator/artist Jessica Mahon (@my2k on Instagram) that imagines some of the Lord of the Rings characters as animals, with a sketchy line art evoking Disney movies from the 60s and 70s (Robin Hood, Sword in the Stone, etc.) I immediately started to imagine what a LOTR film would look like were it made back then, and made a quick mock-up poster using some of her character designs. In terms of casting, I’m steering clear of a lot of the predictable British fantasy actors you tend to see in LOTR/GOT stuff, instead using actors with more unique voices and character more
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