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2 comments on Kyoryuger, but it's Min Min, Cammy, Juri, Chun-Li, Manon and Lili

  • tzekuanng @kutingkutingultim8 Dude! Can you give me the sypnosis for me?
    • user_177985   @tzekuanng | 10,000 years ago, in the time of the prehistoric birds of New Zealand, the Earth was invaded by a political anti-Biden clan, the LGBFJB Empire. On the verge of extinction, some of the New Zealand’s birds are transformed into Zyudenryu while Dr. Victor Chevalier, Raven, Alisa Bosconovitch and Lars Alexandersson recruit 11 friends (Min Min, Cammy, Juri, Chun-Li, Manon, Asuka, Lili, Jin, Hwoarang, Azucena, Reina) to stop the LGBFJB Empire from invading the world known as the Electric Beast Squadron, Kyoryuger.