Fan CastingThe Suicide Squad
by AMOS Studios
Story added by dcfanboy2020 on November 30, 2022
(Year 5) Phase 2 Film 9:-
Amanda Waller has assembled a team of Anti-Heroes and Villains to do the job that heroes can’t, after Vandal Savage breaks out Riddler and Gorilla Grodd from A.R.G.U.S. And have captured a new hero called F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. The squad are sent to capture them stop their evil plan at all cost and return Firestorm to safety, who will survive in the Suicide Squad?
Mid Credit Scene:-
Victor Fries is now in heaven after his sacrifice and he is greeted by his wife Nora Fries and they get there happy ending.
End Credit Scene:-
In the aftermath of the battle we see Grid and Atomica standing there and the open a more
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