Fan CastingInto the Woods Recast
What the 2014 Film Could’ve Been
by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine
Story added by nathanielforvare on May 9, 2021
Into the Woods is my favorite piece of theatre ever created. It is a truly powerful, emotional story that weaves a number of themes—loss, grief, growing up, love—around the central idea of parenthood. I feel it’s 2014 film adaptation, for all its positive elements, ultimately failed when it took what is in many ways a narrative or parody and deconstruction, and changed the entire genre being deconstructed (going from a farsical riff on classical fairy tale iconography to a more vague, appropriately 2010s “dark fantasy” aesthetic.) This fancast imagines an ensemble of actors more in line with the comedic, musical aspects of the more
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