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3 comments on I'm Sorry

  • enzomaroni_arcct9999 The Story will Focus in the relationship between Carl and and the kid. In the beginning we would have the boy grateful to the Carlfor helping him, but the kid would be disappointed and anger after discovered what the old Man has become and How he maneged to screw things up with his live and his marriage. The Old Man would also don't like the type of person that the boy is, but at the same time, he would know the child is right to be anger at him and along the story both the bond between them would grow stronger
  • enzomaroni_arcct9999 At the end Carl and the boy would pass by the Forest and the Monsters and arive at the kid's home that's when we would discovered that the kid was actually part of Carl's mind
  • enzomaroni_arcct9999 During the film we would have flashbacks showing the kid's life before he end up in the Forest, in those flashbacks we would see the boy been bullied by other people and those flashbacks would also him Meeting and befriending a girl. At the end (when Carl the kid find the kid's home) we would have a last flashback that would revealing that the kid was actually Carl himself (showing that he was actually part of his mind) and we would see in the last flashback the kid growing up as a bitter person with his wife (the girl) this led to them having an argument in the car during traffic and Carl (who was driving) would end up crashing causing them to lose their son, this was the last straw for Sarah to divorce Carl and now, in the present das, the mind of Old Carl guided him back to Sarah só after years he could say "I'm Sorry"